maintenant !
Back to Zig, back home, back to work, hard work with few sleep, light and dreamless one. I was under some strange influence, it took me literally, I had to compose, to write, I couldn’t go to sleep; I got to do it until cramps bit my muscles, then a short nap and back to this chair. I didn’t get out much of my room during 3 weeks. Curiously I didn’t feel tired but energized; I was bewitched and quite amazed by the unexpected results of this working trance. In the beginning it was quite like a battle, I had to deal with big dimensions, big proportions, and it is so easy to become boring with such large structures. I introduced some elements I didn’t plan to mix when I started this project, and here I must notice and recognize Chloe’s influence so powerful, so genuine. I was so absorbed, so busy that I may seemed almost impolite to some people. Do I have to apologize? Didn’t I come here for this?....
“I know it’s only rock and roll but I like it!”....
Then a delegation of the PECCS program has come to Ziguinchor to evaluate the status of 2 projects they are following, mine included. The PECCS program is funded by the Spanish cooperation and was first initiated in South America, and it is now adapted to Africa to promote cultural enterprises and help them to become professional.
Here they are in the red little house listening to my work. I’m happy to see Maaike Cotterink, and Vicens Casassas the coordinator who has come with a Francis, a Catalan friend of him and Luc Mayitoukou whom I met for the first time. Luc has created Zhu Culture who acts for the training and education of the stage techniques, sound engineering, spotlighting, career management and artists agency, production, it works for a better broadcasting of African artists on the international stage. The meeting was very friendly, Luc’s questions were very sharp and precise, this man knows his job and I felt very stimulated by his presence.
Vicens Casassas Canals coordinator of the PECCS program
We all are enthusiasts to work together to achieve this project. We worked with Maaike on the writing of a new presentation, she is very efficient and I very much like her sense of humor, it’s a pleasure to work with her.
Then Luc left to Dakar, and Joel took us to one of his relatives’ funeral in Kamobeul, that was very joyful. The died woman was old, the palm-wine was streaming freely, we had a great time in the bush. They sailed back to Dakar with some sketches of Casamance on their mind.
Maaike, Vicens Francis
I met some new musicians. First, Aziz Boukote, he’s French and he’s living 60 km away near the sea for more than 15 years, he has kids and wife. He writes songs that he sings with his own band. We visited his “Studio Brousse” with Joel; his beautiful house right in the middle of nature is peaceful and very inspiring. There I got to know Bernardo a little better as we encountered him randomly in Cap Skirring while he was biking to our meeting. He is a saxophonist, he is Dutch and he’s living in Casamance for almost 20 years. He has left Holland to reach New York, after a little pause in Senegal, he now has a wife, 2 wonderful kids, a house in Ziguinchor and he hasn’t reached New York yet.....
We recorded Sax parts in Aziz’ studio, he’s a very good player, with a very fine sound and he is also an excellent improviser. He likes the music and he’s interested in working with us.
On our way to Aziz, on the bus, as Joel was carrying a sax case, a matured man told him “What’s this? a trombone or a sax tenor? I played saxophone a long time while I was in the army. I played both alto and tenor, I used to master them, I left the army but I haven’t been lucky and I quit music…” I was listening to him talking about his disappointment, and then I said, “Life is not finished yet, take my phone number and call me next week”.....
He came one evening, his name Clement Lambert Diandy, and I showed him the alto sax and the tenor. He was sitting on a stool, he slowly took the instrument from the case without a word, and he took all his time to install the mouthpiece silently, then he looked at me with a shy smile and said “It’s been 20 years I haven’t blow in a sax. I didn’t play since 1989, my lips are loose, I’m afraid the sound won’t be very good”.....
He blew… nothing… He checked and replace the reed, and blew again, still no sound… the reed again, he put the mouthpiece on his lips, closed his eyes, and a beautiful sound filled the room. He played separated notes like a slow and atonal piece, High long notes, and got lower and lower, and then he started to climb the scale, the sound was good, shy first, but got franker and franker with some jarring notes. Then he took the sax tenor; the reed is made on that sax which is much easier to play. It was a reward to see his eyes when he shook my hand saying, “I’m very happy”, I was as happy as he was.
We recorded a new song, Longen and Viviane and Joel did the backing vocals as usual, but this time Viviane came along with a friend of her. Olga Diédhiou....
is a true soprano and she complement Viviane very well. We rehearsed a lot as they have difficulty to pronounce English, and some French words.....
Olga is a hard worker, she really likes this job, and she has a good musical ear, she is shy doesn’t talk much, but she likes to sing.
One of the songs I made had been chosen to appear in a compilation produced by the French Alliance, and that will be distributed in all the Alliance and the French Institutes around the world. It should be released in June. I met the other artists selected for this project, and we’re all motivated.....
Tomorrow, Chloe will come in Casamance for the first time, and I feel more excited and stressed than if I would have to go on stage.....
c'est une bonne nouvelle !
Je viens juste d’arriver à Ziguinchor. Je passe la porte de la maison rouge, et Joël puis Bolo me tombent dans les bras. « Et Chloé ? Et les enfants ? » me demandent-ils très rapidement, je lui dis que je viens de faire l’expérience de 15 jours de vie condensée comme dans un film, ou un roman, chaque page pleines de sensations fortes, la vie plus grande, King size. ....
À l’aéroport de Casablanca, j’ai eu un peu de temps pour penser à l’enjeu de ce voyage. Mon amour multidimensionnel pour Chloé était sur le point de retrouver sa forme si divinement physique, et allait devoir embrasser mes 2 fils que je n’avais pas vus depuis près d’un an et demi, avec en prime la fille de Chloé que je n’avais pas encore rencontrée, si l’on excepte les quelques mots que nous avons échangés au travers du miroir magique électronique, rêvé jadis par Cocteau. C’était Noël même à Casablanca, j’étais là comme dans un sas de dépressurisation entre 2 mondes distants, la température avait chuté de 10°, J’ai eu quelques instants pour m’acclimater aux nouvelles conditions, avant de rencontrer la grande famille, la mienne et celle de Chloé, c’était Noël !....
Me Voilà fraîchement débarqué à l’aéroport de Paris Orly, hors du petit labyrinthe de verre, je pouvais la voir enfin, elle était là se dressant à la toute fin d’un long chemin de corde, bordé par une haie d’honneur fantomatique et floue. Ce ne fût qu’une vision fugitive ; je ne pouvais pas la soutenir trop longtemps, je baissais la tête pendant que je changeais de main pour porter mon sac lourd. J’arrivai enfin au bout du chemin. Je levai les yeux et vu les siens, ma bouche rencontra la sienne, et mes yeux fermés par une irrésistible vague de bonheur, étaient à la fois délivrés et apprivoisés. Nos mains étaient toujours jointes quand nous entrâmes dans le taxi. Nous traversâmes Paris du Sud au Nord, il neigeait, c’était Noël.
la ruelle secrète
Nous nous sommes retrouvés beaucoup plus loin que notre chapelle du Sobo-Badé qui nous avait béni, mais comme si nous nous étions quittés la veille, et bientôt nous perdions notre sens du temps, dans une tranche d’éternité ; notre vitesse, nos moments ! si doux qu’ils ont dû avoir été volés.....
Le matin suivant, le trac s’amusait à taquiner mon cœur en le pinçant ; nous étions en route, pour prendre la fille de Chloé qui avait passé la nuit chez un de ses amis de la ruelle secrète. Je montais l’escalier en pensant que pour cette petite fille, ce premier Noël sans son père ne serait pas facile, je savais que tout en haut de cet escalier, au milieu de la profusion chaotique des sentiments contradictoires, qu’aucune séduction mais la vérité fut l’unique voie pour l’atteindre, et qu’il faudrait du temps pour se relier à elle. Arrivés au sommet, et c’est Art, son pétillant petit ami qui vint le premier à notre rencontre, bientôt suivi par Poppée, « Bonjour les enfants ! ....
- Bon-jour ! » les 2 gamins coururent à l’intérieur, les présentations étaient faîtes.
À l’intérieur, nous avons un peu discuté avec le père d’Art, un homme très gentil à l’air rêveur et au regard jeune. Poppée jouait avec Art en m’épiant, et je bavardais en l’observant. Salut Art et gentil père rêveur, nous étions en route pour prendre les garçons en traversant Paris vers le sud sous terre. Un instant assez long, nous étions tous 2 très timides, Chloé nous souriait, peu de paroles. Au terminus, au bout du tunnel, se tenaient les garçons, mais je ne pouvais les distinguer clairement à cause du contre-jour.....
C’est là que nous parvînmes enfin ! Nous voilà tombant dans les bras les uns des autres dans une étreinte longue et vigoureuse. Ils ont tant changé ! Gaspard sera bientôt un jeune homme, et Alsène et maintenant un garçon à la charpente solide et aux mains larges. Bavardage amical avec Constance, court, nous avions si peu de temps et de nouvelles fondations à construire, chaque minute était vitale. Les enfants se sont connectés presque instantanément, et le long chemin pour le retour vers le nord sembla beaucoup plus court. Nous étions tous heureux d’être là ensemble, beaucoup de sourire, peu de paroles ; nous étions tous enthousiastes et désireux de construire notre nouvelle intimité. Dans la maison cachée de la ruelle secrète, Poppée fut très accueillante, elle nous a introduit dans son monde et les jeux, les petits rires étouffés, les chatouillis, puis les rires à gorges déployés vinrent rapidement.
Ça faisait maintenant 2 ou 3 jours que j’étais dans cette maison, et je commençais à ressentir l’ombre du Grand. Alsène vint se blottir contre moi alors que j’étais allongé seul sur le sofa. « J’ai vu des Victoires de la musique » murmura-t-il, « il y en a plusieurs ! » J’avais vu moi aussi ces trophées, mais je détournais les yeux quand mon regard les croisait, je n’étais pas préparé à ça, je n’étais pas prêt pour ce genre de dialogue. « Tu vois, le père de Poppée était un grand artiste, il nous a quitté il y a peu, les gens l’aimaient beaucoup, son nom est Alain Bashung, nous l’écouterons bientôt ! »....
Quand j’étais arrivé dans cette maison, Chloé avait sorti une des guitares du Grand, une Gibson acoustique noire qu’elle aime beaucoup. Je jouai ; pas longtemps. Un matin, je me suis réveillé aux horreurs, j’étais en train de penser à tout ça, je descendis, vérifiai mes e-mails, puis je jouai sur la petite guitare de Poppée, je n’avais aucune envie de jouer sur une de ses guitares, plutôt ne pas jouer du tout. Bashung est un grand, il trône à côté de Trenet, Gainsbourg, un talent universel et populaire authentique, comme eux il a marqué son époque et est devenu un standard avec ses différentes périodes.....
Je vis une pochette d’un vieux vinyle 33t. de Johnny Kidd, non loin d’une photo de Trenet. “J’sens comme un vide remets moi Johnny Kidd… Tu veux qu’j’te chante la mer le long, le long des golfes pas très clairs” c’était dans la première chanson que j’ai connu du Grand, elle s’intitule « Gaby, oh Gaby », le prénom de ma mère… Des boucles se bouclaient… J’ai aimé Poppée très rapidement et elle m’eut expressément adopté le 3e jour. Une nuit, après une nouvelle tranche d’éternité et d’apesanteur, nous descendîmes dans la cuisine. « Comment savais-tu que ça allait coller à la perfection ? Quand tu as entendu mon nom, comment savais-tu que c’était moi ? C’est dingue ! Qui es-tu Chloé ? Tu es tellement spéciale ! » « Je ne sais pas, quand j’ai entendu ton nom à ce vernissage, je me suis dit ‘cet homme c’est pour moi’ je sus que c’était toi, je devais te voir !» Je lui fis part de ce que je ressentais à propos du Grand, de sa fille et de la responsabilité que cela impliquait… Silence… Un ange passe, et soudain le téléphone de Chloé sonna au milieu de la nuit bien avancée. C’était un texto d’un des plus proches amis de Bashung, Chloé ne le connaît pas très bien, mais il est toujours là dans les moments importants. Il était écrit : Bon Noël ! la plus belle des pensées viendra du ciel. » Nous nous sommes souri et nous fusionnâmes dans un long et profond baiser.
Nous étions sous terre à nouveau, en chemin vers le sud pour le réveillon de Noël. Chloé était un peu anxieuse, nous sommes de la même race, du même tonneau, nous produisons tous les deux un effet d’attraction et de répulsion sur les gens, je sus ce qu’elle ressentait à cet instant et je restais proche. Chaque minute compte, pendant cette soirée, je vis des bébés que je ne connaissais pas, le cœur du clan sans les parents partis loin dans le monde, c’était plein d’agitations enfantines et donc assez joyeux.
Nous partîmes et échangèrent nos impressions, et chaque détail coïncidait, sa vision du monde combinée avec la mienne englobe toute notre réalité. Nous n’avions pas beaucoup dormi cette nuit-là, et le matin suivant, nous étions en meute Gare du Nord, Destination Lille la ville natale de Chloé. Cette fois c’était mon tour de sentir un peu de pression. Dans le train et dans tous nos déplacements, nous sommes une famille.
Lille est une ville élégante et colorée ; à peine arrivée, nous allâmes avec les parents de Chloé chez son grand-père. Pope est un charmant vieil homme avec un indéfectible sourire qui faisait briller la douce étincelle de son regard bleu. Il aime l’art, la peinture, la photo, de nombreux genres de bonne musique, il est l’opposé d’un snob, c’est un passionné, et sa femme est très accueillante. Philippe disaient des blagues d’adultes pour mettre à l’aise les enfants qui riaient très sincèrement, nous avions passé un moment très plaisant.....
Alors nous retournâmes chez Philippe et Dominique, c’est une demeure très particulière, ils sont tous 2 des collectionneurs d’art depuis plus de 30 ans et leur maison, une ancienne usine est comme un musée différent où 3 mondes entretiennent une conversation permanente : l’Inde, l’Afrique, et l’art médiumnique. L’Afrique et l’Inde sont les 2 terres qui m’attirent le plus ; Je reconnus des livres et des disques que j’avais possédés, avant de partir et de les donner à Pierre. Le lendemain, la grande famille allait être là pour le déjeuner de Noël des Mons. Dans la matinée, je trouvai un sitar Indien que je rêvais de toucher depuis tant d’années, et ce fut une révélation ! Je jouai longtemps et me détendis très profondément.
La grande famille de Chloé est douce, tout le monde y est gentil, affable, et très accueillant jusqu’à présent, si loin des quelques petites humiliations que j’avais eu à connaître dans une autre vie. À la fin de la journée, les enfants couraient tous ensemble dans un ballet sensuel en s’aspergeant avec des vaporisateurs d’eau ; ils furent gratifiés de cadeaux et très heureux de leur journée.
Le lendemain, nous étions en route pour la mer avec les parents de Chloé. Cap Gris-Nez ; Cap Blanc-Nez, juste en face de l’Angleterre toute proche. Qui a dit que le Nord est triste ? Qui a écrit : « les gens du nord ont dans les yeux le bleu qui manque à leur décor » Quelle connerie ! Cette terre est gracieuse ! et son éventail de couleur incroyablement large change interminablement.
Je me sentis rapidement à l’aise avec Philippe et Dominique, je pouvais vraiment être moi-même sans être jugé, et c’est tellement précieux, que toute attitude distante ou manière affectée eut été inapropriée. Nous fîmes de belles balades, vîmes de bons films, de bons moments, denses et uniques furent partagés, et le temps fut venu de rentrer à Paris. Poppée, Philippe et Dominique étaient restés et nous partîmes avec les garçons.
Time for goodbye, for strong and long hugs with some teardrops from the boys still children.
We have made a very long way altogether. Last walks in the streets of Paris, we were king and queen of an archaic kingdom, so powerful and vital.
Snap! I’m in Dakar, my father was happy to see me, I told him that for the first time of my life, I feel like a married man, that I’m ready now. “That’s good news papa!” he said, and it immediately reminded me Gaspard who hugged me one of these fresh evenings to say good night, and told me “You’ve got married my son, that’s good news!” Isn’t it weird?
that's good news!
I have just come back to Ziguinchor. As I cross the door of the red house, Joel falls in my arms, then Bolo. “And Chloe? And the children?” He asks very quickly, I tell him that I have experienced 15 days of a condensed life as if I was in a movie, or in a novel, each page full of thrills, a greater life, king size.
In Casablanca’s airport I had some time to think about what was at stake with this trip. My multidimensional love for Chloe was about to recover its so divinely physical one, and would have to embrace my 2 sons I haven’t seen for nearly 1 year and a half, plus Chloe’s daughter that I didn’t meet so far, if we except the small words we have exchanged some times, through the magical electronic mirror, dreamt by Cocteau long ago. It was Christmas time even in Casablanca, I was there like in an airlock between 2 distant worlds, temperature has made a fall of 10°C., I had a few time to acclimate myself to the new conditions, before meeting the big family, mine and Chloe’s one, Christmas time!
Here I was freshly landed in Paris Orly’s Airport, out of the little glass maze I could see her at last, she was there standing at the very end of the long path of rope, surrounded by a ghostly and blurred honor guard. It was a furtive glimpse; I couldn’t bear to hold this sight too long, I bow my head as I was changing hand to carry my heavy bag. I was arrived at last, at the end of the path. I raised my eyes and I saw hers, my mouth met hers, and my eyes closed by an overwhelming wave of bliss were both released and tamed. Our hands were still bound as we got in the cab, we crossed Paris from south to North, it was snowing, Christmas time.
We got to her place, hidden in a secret lane which once had been the hideout of Jacques Mesrine the famous French public enemy number 1 of the 70’s, and I instantly felt comfortable in this cozy home where every thing is chosen without being pretentious; there was nothing conventional or bourgeois, It was like I was in the countryside very far from Barbès.
the secret lane
We have got together much further than the first time we met, but like we parted the day before, and soon we lost the sense of time in a slice of eternity; our speed, our moment! So good that it might have been a stolen one.
The next morning the jitters were playing with my heart pinching it; we were on the way to pick Chloe’s daughter up, who had slept at one’s of her friends of the secret lane. As I walked up the stairway thinking that for this little girl, this first Christmas without her father would not be an easy one, I knew that at the top of the stairway in the middle of the chaotic profusion of conflicting feelings, no seduction but truth would be the only way to reach her, and that it would take time to connect with her. We got to the top, and it was Art, her little sparkling friend who encountered us first, soon followed by Poppée, “Hi kids!” “Hii!” Then the 2 kids ran inside, the introduction was made.
Inside we talked a bit with Art’s father, a very gentle dreamy look always-young man. Poppée was playing with Art scrutinizing me while I was chatting observing her. Bye Art and gentle dreamy father, we were then on our way to pick the boys crossing Paris southbound subway, a rather long moment, we were both very shy, Chloe was smiling to us, not much talks. At the terminus, at the end of the tunnel, the boys were standing but I could not distinguish them clearly because of the backlighting.
There we got at last! Falling in each other arms in a strong and long hug. They have changed so much! Gaspard will be soon a young man, and Alsene is now a sturdy boy with large hands. A little chat with Constance is very friendly, a short one, we were very short on time with new foundations to build, each minute was vital. The kids connected each other almost instantly, and the long way back northbound seemed much shorter. We were all happy to be there with one another, many smiles, few talks; we were all enthusiastic and eager to build our new intimacy. In the hidden house of the secret lane, Poppée was very welcoming, she introduced us to her world and then games, giggles, tickles, and loud laughing came rapidly.
Late at night, Chloe and I talked a long time about how weird all fits so naturally; love is so profound! staring into Chloe’s eyes is like plunging in a never ending opposite mirror, a swan dive into a magical bottomless passage to a parallel high vibrating cosmos. So powerful! An irresistible wave overwhelming all of us.
It’s been a couple of days since I came in this house, and I began to feel the shadow of the Man. Alsene came very close to me as I was laying alone on the sofa. “I’ve seen some Victoire musical awards” he whispered, “there are several”. I had seen these awards myself before, but I looked away when my eyes crossed them, I wasn’t prepared for that, I wasn’t ready for this kind of dialogue. “You see, Poppée’s father was a great artist he passed away not long ago, people liked him very much, his name is Alain Bashung, we will listen to him soon”.
When I arrived in the house, Chloe brought out one of his guitar, a black acoustic Gibson. I played, not long. One morning I woke up very early, I was thinking about all this, I went downstairs, checked out my e-mails, and I played with Poppée’s little guitar, I didn’t want to take one of his, I’d rather not play at all, Bashung is a grand, he’s beside Trenet, Gainsbourg, a true universal and popular talent, they have struck their time, and became standard themselves with their various periods. I saw a cover sleeve of Johnny Kidd, and a picture of Charles Trenet standing close together. “J’sens comme un vide remets moi Johnny Kidd… Tu veux qu’j’te chante la mer le long, le long des golfes pas très clairs” It was in the first Bashung’song I’ve known, untitled “Gaby, oh Gaby”, my mother’s first name… It comes full circle… I loved Poppée very quickly and she expressively adopted me the 3rd day. One night, after another slice of eternity and weightlessness, we got down to the kitchen. “How did you know it would match to perfection? When you heard my name, how did you know that it was I? It’s mad! Who are you Chloe? You’re so special!” “I don’t know, when I heard your name during this preview, I told myself ‘that man is for me’, I knew that it was you, I had to see you!” I told her what I felt about the Man, and his daughter the responsibility that it implies… Silence… an angel is passing by, and suddenly Chloe’s phone rang in the middle of the advanced night. It was a message from one of Bashung’s closest friends, Chloe doesn’t know him very well, but he is always there for important moments. It was said, “Happy Christmas, the most beautiful thought will come from the sky.” We smiled and blended in a long and deep kiss.
Chloe Has taught Alsene to play a blues on the Ukulele, Gaspard played piano, Poppée was dreaming in her inner world with her puppets, everyone found its place naturally, it seemed that we all felt comfortable with this high tempo. I met some of Chloe’s best friends, the sensitive Karl and Yann her guitar player; she met mine, the noble Gi, and my old pal Pierre, we had Gaspard’s age when he talked to me with enthusiasm about Gaby, Bashung’song.
We were in the subway southbound once again, on our way for Christmas Eve. Chloe was a little anxious, we are of the same kind, we both have an attractive and repulsive effect on people, I knew what she felt at this moment and I remained close. Each minute counts, during this evening I saw babies I didn’t know, the core of the clan without the parents gone far in this big world, it was full of childish willingness, and therefore quite joyful.
Gomis' clan uncomplete
We left and talked about our impressions, each detail matched, her vision of the world combining with mine encircles our whole reality. We had not slept very long that night, and the morning after, we were all of us as a pack of hounds, inside “la Gare du nord” the northern railroad station, going to Lille, Chloe’s hometown. This time it was my turn to feel a small pressure. On the train, and in all our moves, we’re a family.
Lille is a colorful and smart city; freshly arrived we went with Chloe’s parents Philippe and Dominique, at Chloe’s grandfather’s place. Pope is a charming old man with an indefectible smile and smooth sparkling blue eyes. He loves art, painting, photos, many different genres of good music, he’s the opposite of a snob, he’s just passionate, and his woman is very welcoming. Philippe was saying some adult jokes to make the children comfortable and they laughed sincerely, we all had a pleasant moment.
Then we came back to Philippe and Dominique’s place, a very special one, they both are art collector for more than 30 years and their house, an ex-factory, is like a special museum where 3 worlds have a permanent conversation: India, Africa, and medium art. Africa and India are the 2 lands that attract me the most; I recognized books and records I owned, before leaving and giving them to Pierre. The day after, the big family would be there for the Mons Christmas lunch. In the morning, I found an Indian sitar I’ve been dreaming to touch for so many years, and it was a revelation! I played a long time and it contributed to deeply relax myself.
Chloe’s big family is a very mild one, everyone is kind and nice and very welcoming so far, far from some hazing I had known once, in another life.
At the end of the day, the kids were running altogether in a sensual ballet, playing with water spray bottles; they were gifted and very happy of their day. The day after, we took the road to the sea with Chloe’s parents. Cap Gris-Nez; Cap Blanc-Nez, just in front of England so close. Who said that North is sad? Who wrote, “Northern people have in the eye the blue they miss in their landscape”? Bullshit! This land is graceful! and its unbelievably huge range of colors is restlessly changing.
I quickly felt at ease with Philippe and Dominique, I could really be myself without being judged, and that is so precious, any distant or affected manner would be inappropriate. We have made some good walks altogether, and watched good movies, we have shared good moments, dense and special, and then time has come to get back to Paris. Poppée, Philippe and Dominique had stayed, and we left with the boys.
Time for goodbye, for strong and long hugs with some teardrops from the boys still children.
We have made a very long way altogether. Last walks in the streets of Paris, we were king and queen of an archaic kingdom, so powerful and vital.
Snap! I’m in Dakar, my father was happy to see me, I told him that for the first time of my life, I feel like a married man, that I’m ready now. “That’s good news papa!” he said, and it immediately reminded me Gaspard who hugged me one of these fresh evenings to say good night, and told me “You’ve got married my son, that’s good news!” Isn’t it weird?